Do I rant now or at the end…decisions…you'll see my rant below the announced run.
Five people at coffee last week…decision was Panera…7:00am start. Routes:
*** Don't forget the Ice Age needs 1 more person to help out…please contact Bill ( if you can help out on Sat. May 14th (Bill is thinking about running the trails before set up of the aid station!) ********************************************
Okay here is my rant -- not meant to be taken literally but at the same time I am perplexed:
What in the world were you 5 thinking?!?! We just ran Panera the week prior!!
We have 2 runs within 1 mile and 2 more within 2 miles of Panera…so why would we choose to do Panera again when there are 4 other viable choices nearby?!?!
Okay I feel better!
See you on Saturday.