Running brought us keeps us together! **ALL RUNNERS WELCOME**
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last run of 2008! December 27, 2008 7:00 AM
The snow has narrowed our range. Next Saturday: The Cemetery Run. 7:00 AM. Remember to park in front of the old Piggly Wiggly (Park Here) and not the pharmacy. I would imagine coffee will be at Wilson’s.
Be careful in your running this week and guard against exposure.
Merry Christmas to all. I appreciate all of your goodwill and good humor every week.
Jud Wyant
Saturday, December 20, 2008
7:00 AM
Meet at the parking lot at Gould and Michigan,(MAP HERE) if you dare. We cowards will park on the street. It’s not the second Saturday, but they may be having a special Christmas party or something. We need Amy for this one.
Dunn Brothers for coffee???
After coffee Saturday, I talked to the HOPE people. They were sorry things took so long, but the regular staff was not there and we ended up with a new hire. Next time I will call and they will be ready for the steaming hoard and will set up the back room. I told them we are a pretty easy group anyway. Let me know if you want to go back there again. Personally, I like the back room where we don’t interfere with normal operations and the money goes for counseling.
Route to the North – 7.07 miles
Route to the South – 5.51 miles
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday's Run
Meet at my office: 510 College Ave.
Start: 7:00AM
See maps below.
Las Vegas Marathon Results:
Yemi: 4:12:27
Kim: 4:12:27
Bill: 4:45:05 (a new PR!!)
Andy: 5:55:45
I did notice that there was a Jennifer McNabb from Racine that ran the marathon as well…5:38:04…if anyone knows her invite her out with the group!!
Las Vegas Half:
There were also a few Racine people that ran the half…while we haven’t seen them out with us if we know them lets welcome them!
James Lynott: 1:45:10
Jessica Lynott: 2:38:44
Steve McNabb: 2:32:51
Rae Soczka: 2:29:01
Jennifer Thoennes: 1:49:49
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Jingle Bell Saturday!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend
Lakeshore Towers. 7:00 AM. (Park Here). I should finally be joining you Saturday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Jingle Bells
I think we’re good to go for the Jingle Bell Run. We have 19 team members.
There is an early packet pick-up at Lutheran High School on Friday, December 5th from 4-7 pm.
I also need to try to find someone to be in charge of any remaining packets on that Saturday morning. If someone could be responsible for picking those up on December 6th please e-mail me at that would be great.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday's Run/ Walk & Jingle Bell Run
I will be gone again this weekend so someone let me know where the run is for the following week.
Andy is rounding up runners and contributors for the Jingle Bell Run. It is a great cause. The registration link is below:
and click on “join my team”.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jingle Bell Run
The Jingle Bell Run is a fundraiser for the Arthritis Foundation and the run in Racine starts at Racine Lutheran High School. It is a 5k Run/Walk on December 6th. Come join the team or simply make a donation!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
November 15 -- 0700
Saturday’s Run: Bike trail north. park here
Coffee: Mocha Lisa.
The geese were safe from Vova and me again this weekend.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
7 AM Saturday!!
In my absence the group selected Panera’s Run (Park Here). Still can’t figure out the attraction to that run, but there you go.
Last week Vova and I were goose hunting, unsuccessfully. Think I will do it again this Saturday probably also unsuccessfully.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Bike Trail south. Meet at Durand and West Blvd. 7:00 AM
Coffee: Panera.
No need to wear costumes.
Jud Wyant
Or if you are looking for something different – Reverse Culvers:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday's Run
Saturday, October 18, 2008
October 18
I could not search the Chicago Marathon by city so I don’t know who ran and finished. If someone knows please pass the results on.
Joe finished in 3:23!!
Allow me to brag. Peter ran and finished the Badgerland Striders 50 Mile ultra marathon (Glacial Trail 50) and finished 4th overall. The course had 10,000 feet of climb over the many hills.
Jud Wyant
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Michael Kinnard - 2008 Milwaukee Lake Front Marathon
I started training for the run in April. My regime usually entailed getting up in the morning and running 4 miles before going to work. I usually managed to squeeze in a long run on the weekend, eventually working my way up to 20 miles around Labor Day weekend.
About two weeks prior to the race I stepped in a hole in the asphalt out on Wood Road while out for my morning run. I thought my foot was broken, and all the training was for nothing! I was able to walk for a while, and then managed to work my way up to an easy jog for 4 miles. By the middle of the day my ankle was swollen like a grapefruit, but by icing it I was able to keep it under control. Even though the swelling remained I was able to walk and move around. By race day it had gone back down close to normal size. Fortunately this occurred during the tapering down period!
The race was on my mind almost constantly in the weeks leading up to it. My wife Debra put me on a major carbo diet in the week prior, but I didn’t really mind because I am a pasta guy! My son Henry and I went down to Party on the Pavement on Saturday to try and kill some time, but we kept running into people asking if I was ready! That didn’t help to take my mind off it!
I wanted to get a good night’s sleep so I turned in early Saturday night. After about midnight I started waking up about every 15 minutes. Finally about 4 a.m. I gave up and started to get ready. I arrived at Lagoon Drive and boarded one of the buses a little after 5. As we were driving to Grafton I could not help but notice how far away it seemed. I also noticed how when we left the parking area the people on the bus were chatting away, but the closer we got to the high school it got more and more quiet. Finally there were only a few people talking amongst themselves.
When we got to the high school I went inside and found a place to sit. The mood was quite upbeat, and a number of people seemed like they knew each other and had been through this before. I tried to act like I was one of them, but my insides were in turmoil. A gentleman named Bill Theis from Kentucky asked if he could join me. He told me that he was 66 years old and that this was his 51st marathon. He gave me some very good advice on marathon running, the key being not to start off too fast. Of course I promptly forgot that critical piece of information once the race was under way.
Around 7:30 I went back outside. People were starting to get into the starting positions so I wandered over there. As 8 a.m. drew nearer the excitement level rose, as did my own anxiety. By the time we got past the National Anthem I was ready to burst! I was in the group based on where I wanted to finish, which was the under 5 hour slot. When they shot the gun nobody moved. I could see over the heads of enough people that there were heads bobbing up at the start line, so I knew people were moving. The group started to move, and then stopped! Then we started moving again and we were off. With the adrenaline and nervous energy flowing I started off at a good pace. We passed the 1 mile marker at about 12 minutes, and I felt pretty good, as I knew we had started slow and 10 minute miles was about where I wanted to be. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th miles were in the 9 minute range. All warnings that I had been given about running too fast were forgotten, though I knew from my training I would not be able to maintain that pace. I had armed myself with 2X caffeine gels and was hopeful that they would take me up a notch or two. One of things I noticed for the first 13 miles was how fast the markers seemed to be going by. That would change soon enough, however.
Debra and my two sons, Alex and Henry were going to be waiting for me at the finish line. After the 10 mile marker I called her and let her know that I anticipated finishing around 12:15. I was still feeling good at the half way point, and my time was around 2:20. I was stopping at all the stations and religiously drinking Gatorade, and using Sport Legs to keep the lactic acid down. I was also continuing to use the gels to maintain my food intake. Another thing I started to notice was that at each of the stations people were saying it was all downhill from there. But then we would come to another uphill grade!
About this time I started to notice that I was seeing a lot of new people. I wasn’t passing very many people, so I guess these people were all passing me! I also started feeling some pain in my left foot; I later found that my toes were blistering. Fortunately none of the blisters burst! I did not feel like my pace had slackened, but the mile markers were going by slower and slower. One thing that I did notice was how many people were doing the run/walk thing. First they would pass me going at a good clip, and then a little later I would pass them. After awhile however, my run was not much faster than their walk!
My anxiety started to mount as I neared the 20 mile mark. I had heard so many people talk about the 20 mile wall! As I passed it I just kept telling myself to keep going. Once I passed 21 miles I knew that I would make it! My pace was continuing to decrease. I had already called and told Debra that I would be in around 1, but this had to be revised a few more times! When we were going down past the beach the wind picked up quite a bit. This did not do anything to help my already feeble pace. As I went into the park for the final stretch I was elated to be this close to the finish, both because of the tiredness in my legs and because of knowing that I was going to make it! I tried to sprint out the last couple hundred yards, but it was probably not very pretty. Debra and the boys, Alex’s girlfriend Lizzy,and my father and mother in law Ray and Connie were waiting for me as I lumbered over the finish line, and they let Henry hang the medal on me! After giving back the chip I could not help but notice that it was rather difficult to walk. I lurched around for a little while to get some nourishment, and then got in the back seat of the car for the ride over to the parking area. At this point I started getting cramps in my calf muscles; they looked like a bunch of little pulses!
I ended up finishing at 5:20. If I had paced myself as everyone told me to I am sure I could have done much better, but I have no regrets. The next marathon for me will be Green Bay in May. Had I known how good doing this could make me feel I would have done it years ago!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Jud Wyant
Saturday, October 04, 2008
October 4
This week: Meet at Panera. 7AM as usual. (Park Here) We should note that our summer was so mild that we never started a run at 6AM because of the heat. It is doubtful if we will do so anytime soon. Coffee at Panera.
Tom A. and I will run norther part the battleline of the Army of Northeren Virginia and then east across the fields duplicating Pickett’s Charge scans incoming fire about the same time.
Jud Wyant
Saturday, September 27, 2008
9/27 -- 7AM
Coffee: Java Vino
Next week’s run: Panera, please. Tom A. and I will be in Gettysburg.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sat. the 20th of September
That band of brothers, and sister presumably, elected the Cemetery Run for this week (Park Here) thereby insuring excellent weather. 7:00AM as usual.
Jud Wyant
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
The 6th of Septemer
This week we will meet and run/walk from Kristin’s house at 3163 LINDEN LN (Map Here) which is north of Highway 38 pay Highway 31. I can drive there but I can’t remember how to describe it.
Check if you don’t know how to get there.
Start time: 7Am as usual.
I will be at the Badger Game
Jud Wyant
Saturday, August 30, 2008
08-30-08 -- 0700
Start at 7:00.
For our new friends: Park at the west end of West High Street (first street south of Sacred Heart School) off of Northwestern Ave. (Highway 38) in the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. (MAP Here)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday the 23rd of August
Park Here
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sat. Aug. 16 – and Race Day (see note from Joe)
Dare we…do we have the courage?....still my beating heart…..
Saturday’s run: the Wrath of the Aged.
7:00 AM.
Perhaps there will be no meeting and no book sale.
Park at Michigan and Gould. (MAP HERE)
Route to the North – 7.07 miles
Route to the South – 5.51 miles
From Joe Sosa:
Hello friends and running partners,
I wanted to let everyone know about the Ophelia Project Run/Walk taking place next Saturday, August 16 @ 6pm. The run/walk will include both a competitive 5k run and a fun 2 mile walk.This event will be taking place on the Racine Lakefront at North Beach. I will include links to both the home page of the event and an online registration site. The courses will run around the lakefront on mostly roads/pathways in the surrounding area, however a portion of the 5k run will be on the beach itself which should make for a unique experience.
The Ophelia Project is an organization that promotes healthy peer relationships in schools
("anti-bullying") and has a chapter in Southeast Wisconsin.
Many local downtown businesses have donated prizes for the event that will be raffled off following the completion of the run/walk. A local artist will be making the award medals.
This is a family event! Invite the little ones, the non-runners and the grandparents! There
also will be post race party at the North Beach Oasis.
The registration cost is $20 before August 10 and $25 after for individuals. There are also family and team discounts.
Come out and support a new late summer event in Racine!
Joe Sosa
Journal Times Article and exposure!
Ophelia Run home page
Online Registration
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Saturday Aug 2nd
Meet: West Blvd and Durand Ave. (map here) 7:00 except for those running earlier. Coffee TBA.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
That would mean—pure guess—coffee at Mocha Lisa.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Meet in the old Piggly Wiggly parking lot west of West Blvd and Washington Ave. Stay out of the CVS Pharmacy lot.
7:00 AM. Coffee will be at Wilson’s.
Last Saturday a discussion arose as to what may qualify someone for this group. We settled upon three requirements:
1. you must be either a male or female;
2. you must be capable of forward motion of some sort although a walk or run is probably preferable; and
3. you may take your running seriously, but you may not take yourself too seriously (or if you do, don’t let us know that you do; but if you do, we can help you over come that disability) and you may not take the group seriously.
An application is not necessary. If the executive committee does not act within five days after your request, you are deemed admitted. The executive committee is not scheduled to meet within this decade.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
12th of July
Church Run
Meet: 7:00 AM at my parking lot, 510 College Ave. Or the city lot to the west if full.
Coffee: Java Vino.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday's Run
The Lighthouse Run results don’t seem to be in a searchable format so you will have to report your results at Java Vino after Saturday’s Rim/Walk.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Saturday -- Race Day!!
I am open to suggestions for the run/walk for the Saturday after next.
Good luck to all of you racing next week.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Saturday, June 14 – Relay for Life
At coffee we decided that we would run the north bike trial but then we remembered that next weekend is the Relay for Life so we changed things and not everyone is up to here it is.
Those that want to participate in the Relay should meet at the Case parking lot...those that wish to run a bit farther (or would prefer to run around the track a minimal amount of time) will meet at Panera and run to the case a lap or two and head back to Panera for coffee. (See Map Below)
I hope that wasn't too confusing!
See you on Saturday
Alternate location for those not running the relay. (Skip Colonial).
Cemeteries. (See Map Below) Remember to park in the old Piggly Wiggly lot and not the pharmacy.
A bit of history:
This group was started at a Cancer Relay run. Four or five years ago Tom A. and I were running an hour for Rotary for the Relay. We were preparing for some marathon, I don't remember which. Tom dropped out 2miles before I did and Ralph was running so I ran with Ralph. The next Saturday we all ran together and the group has done so every Saturday, weather permitting, since then. I don't think we have missed five Saturdays since then.
Good to Go to Ten Below.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Saturday's Run
7:00 AM (Park Here)
I ran into Tom White and he assures me he will be walking this weekend. He had some excuse about being in Hawaii – as if that’s an excuse for not being with us these last two weeks.
Joe and Sara competed in last week’s Madison Half Marathon. This was Sara’s first race at this distance! They completed it in 2:00:35!!
Great Job!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
7:00 AM usual.
Fargo marathon Results:
Bill added another state to his collection at 5:58:09
Jodie set new p.r. 3:50:09
Stephanie finished her half marathon, 2:09:03.
Way to go for all of you.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sat. the 17th
Saturday’s Run/ Walk: Colonial Park Park Here
7:00 AM
Good luck to those traveling to Fargo for the marathon. Drive carefully and we will see you the following week.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Saturday -- May 10 -- 7:00 a.m.
Last Saturday’s Races:
Flying Pigs Marathon-and-then-a-little-more-because-it-was-so-much-fun:
Bill Folk: 5:05:57
Kim Carey: 4:00:34
Yemi Bullen: 4:13:23 (first ever marathon)
For Indy half:
Mari Danzer: 1:58:19
Julie Veltus: 2:25:32
Good work all.
Heroes Campaign May 5th – 19th
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Saturday -- May 3rd
7:00AM as usual
Many will be at the Flying Pigs Marathon and the Indy Half Marathon. Good luck to all of you.
Park Here
Saturday, April 26, 2008
4/26/2008 7:00 a.m.
Meet at the parking lot just west of Highway 32 (edited by blogmaster) and Three Mile Road (North side) - map here
Coffee at Moca Lisa.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
19th of April
Meet at Lake & Gould by the zoo (MAP HERE). 7:00 AM.
Route to the North – 7.07 miles
Route to the South – 5.51 miles
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Reverse Culvers Run. Meet at West Blvd. and Durand Ave (Map Here).
Start: 7:00. I don’t know if some are still working on the marathon build up so some be starting earlier.
We may, some day, finally get past all this weather and have a nice day for a run.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Our Newest Member
From Andy and Liz:
We went into the hospital again on Friday night and Scarlett Grace was FINALLY born 5:53am on Sunday, 8 pounds and 20 ½ inches. She didn’t make it easy on Liz; 21 hours of labor, cord wrapped around her neck and both hands up by her head during delivery! She even has a couple marks on her head from banging up against Liz’s pelvis. Both her and mom are doing very well and everyone is healthy.
I think I can speak for the group by saying “Congratulations!!!”
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday the 29th
Next week we will run from Lakeshore Towers. 7:00 AM.
Park Here
Towers – North Route
Saturday, March 22, 2008
22nd of March
7:00 AM as usual.
I hope we can hit the bike trails next week. The snow, at long last, looks to be in full retreat.
Coffee Java Vino.
We now officially have a walking component.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday, March 15
This week we are running the Cemetery Route.
Park Here
7:00 a.m. as usual.
Coffee at Wilson’s.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Who could have predicted this winter. I think all of this week’s snow has arrived.
Last week we had a guest from the U. P. join us in his travels. Hope Dave joins us on his way home.
This week the group runs from the Lakeshore Towers (park here). Coffee at Java Vino.
If your preference is cross country skiing, Johnson Park at 7 AM. I don’t recall skiing into the second week of March, but I guess this makes up for the winters when there was no snow.
Towers North Route
Towers South Route
Saturday, March 01, 2008
March 1st
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Saturday’s Run
Mary and I are taking a weekend so I will not be there.
Route to the North – 7.07 miles
Route to the South – 5.51 miles
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Panera Route
Panera #2 – 5 miles
Saturday, February 09, 2008
9th of Feb
Saturday’s Run: With all the snow the group elected the Church Run. (5.1 mile route) A pretty good decision.
7:00 AM. Meet at my parking lot. Park Here
I will miss this run because of a funeral so don’t think the weather dissuaded me.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Feb. 2 -- Groundhog Day!!
Because of the snow predicted for this week we decided on a run from the Lakeshore Towers. Start at 7 AM as usual.
Lighthouse – 9.6 miles
Zoo Route – 6.13 miles
Street Route – West Loop (State-NW-High-Main) – 4.2 miles
Perhaps you saw the article in the Journal Times about our goofy runners, local section on Monday. Bill may be able to supply the link.
I’ll do better than just posting the link…I’ll post the whole article here!
Goofy about distance running
Journal Times
Monday, January 28, 2008 9:50 PM CST
Some might think one would be a little goofy to run 13 miles one day and 26 the very next day.
But that is just what six Racine-area runners did the weekend of Jan. 12-13 at the Walt Disney World Marathon in Orlando, Fla. The Goofy Challenge is put forth to runners who want to try running both a marathon (26 miles) and a half marathon (13 miles) on consecutive days. For their accomplishments, they received gold medallions, including one shaped in the likeness of the Disney character Goofy, and a huge sense of pride and accomplishment.
The participating local runners were Jodie Bochinski, Bill Folk, Kristin and Rich Fritz, Andy Hay and Melissa Northrup. All are members of the Saturday Morning Running Group, which meets at 7 a.m. every Saturday at various Racine-area coffee shops.
“We are a social group with running being the common denominator with us all,” said Folk, 34. “We have a variety of paces from a walk to race pace. There is nearly always a person to run with.”
A close friendship has developed out of that Saturday morning group for the six who went to Orlando and their spouses. The idea to go was Folk’s, who said he has a goal of running a marathon in every state of the union. Northrop is a veteran of the Walt Disney WorldMarathon. The idea to do the Goofy Challenge component emerged out of the competitiveness that the friends share.
“Well, if you do it, I’ll do it,” is how Folk described the decision to do both races.
With the decision made, the group had to act fast to meet the registration deadline for the Marathon. That was last February.
“It was about 98 percent full by the time we registered,” said Northrop, 31.
“It seemed so far away when we registered. It was like ‘Will the day ever come?’ ” said Kristen Fritz, 43.
But the wait was worth it. The organization that only a huge hospitality corporation like Disney can provide made for a truly a magical experience, Northrop said.
Some examples of the services provided to the runners included bus transportation between hotels and the starting point for the race, and musical entertainment at nearly every half mile along the race route, including a full choir near the finishing point, said Fritz.
Hay, 39, said another innovation was electronic message boards throughout the course that flashed words of encouragement and inspiration.
The course of the marathon meanders through the four separate theme parks that comprise Walt Disney World — the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, the Animal Kingdom and Disney’s Hollywood Studios — and the expansive grounds and parking areas in between.
Race day provided an early-morning challenge for the Racine runners. It meant rising at 3 a.m. on both the Saturday and Sunday in order to get to the starting point and to register for the 6 a.m. start time. There were nearly 16,000 runners for the half marathon and 18,000 for the full marathon.
But the early start also meant being able to avoid some of the Florida heat, not that the Racine runners aren’t used to hot and humid conditions. A couple have raced in marathons in St. Louis and a couple even began in the infamous Chicago marathon of last fall that was called after runners started collapsing en masse.
Running a marathon takes anywhere between four and six hours for experienced runners, members of the group said. To get an idea of the distance, they said think in terms of running along the interstate from Highway 20 to Gurnee Mills.
And generally it takes a while to recover after running a marathon, which makes the accomplishment of the Goofy Challenge all the more impressive.
The total number of marathons the six Racine runners have completed varies. Fritz has run five, Bochinski has completed six, while Folk has finished nine.
As for the 50-state goal, next on the group’s joint marathon adventure is Maui, Hawaii, in 2009.
On the Web
Saturday Morning Running Group:
Walt Disney World Marathon:
Disney World Marathon Results
Times are for Sunday Marathon, Saturday Half Marathon
Jodie Bochinski: 4:27, 2:00
Bill Folk: 5:36, 2:17
Kristin Fritz: 4:33, 2:01
Rich Fritz: 7:05, 3:12
Andy Hay: 6:20, 2:33
Melissa Northrup: 4:08, 2:00
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday's Run 1/27/2008 7:00AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
January 19th
Last week’s race results;
David P. ran and finished his first half marathon, Phoenix Rock and Roll, 2:34. Good job David.
Well our Goofy runners did all right....look below for the table...
Runner | Marathon Results (Sun) | Half Marathon Results (Sat) |
Jodie B. | 4:27 | 2:00 |
Bill F. | 5:36 | 2:17 |
Kristen | 4:33 | 2:01 |
Rich | 7:05 | 3:12 |
Andy | 6:20 | 2:33 |
Melissa N. | 4:08 | 2:00 |
We are all looking forward to seeing the collection of medals.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
We have 25 runners this last Saturday. Warm weather does that. This Saturday some are running the Goofy Challenge in Disney World and David is in Phoenix for a half marathon. Best of luck to all of you.
Colonial Route - 5.67 mi
Saturday, January 05, 2008
We selected the Lakeshore Towers for Saturday’s Run. (park here) We may have s clear bike path along the lake or we may be on sidewalks. I have given up trying to anticipate running conditions this year. Same time: 7AM. We went back and forth on coffee: Dunn Brothers or Java Vino. We should have it decided before we finish the run on Saturday.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
2008 Results
December 7, 2008 –
Kim - 4:12:27
Bill - 4:45:05 (a new PR!!)
Andy - 5:55:45
Yemi - 4:13:23 (first ever marathon)
Bill - 5:05:57
Julie - 2:25:32