Well there is a new trail in town! Some of us ran on it a few weeks ago when we did Regency West but the rest of us will get a chance this week...if they wish.
The new trail runs to the south...across Washington...west in front of Case HS and then south along Case HS West side.
Coffee: Panera
Good Luck to those doing the IronMan 70.3 this weekend!!!
From Jim:
This is for anyone from the group (which includes friends and family) interested in helping out and cheering on some of TRI-ATHLETES from our group (Anne, Colleen, Greg...???). If you can help out all day or any part of the day. ALL the help is MUCH appreciated, by ME and the athletes.
You can let me know, plus T-shirt sizes. You can go onto the site and sign up via the attachment I received from Kari Dawson.
I will have flyers about the volunteer appreciation dinner at the event. I believe it will be held on Monday night July 20th at 6:00PM at Festival Hall.
As you've done in the past, I have the Prairie CC Team assigned to one volunteer area this year:
Run Aid Station #2
Sunday, July 19
8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
**To my knowledge, it is located in the same place as previous years. If this has changed, I will let you know as soon as I know!
Volunteers needed: 25-30
You will notice above that I have included a volunteer registration link. Ironman prefers that all volunteers register online (and therefore sign the online volunteer participation waiver.)
1)To register online, click on the link.
2) Select your group and shift from the pull-down menu (i.e. Prairie CC)
3) Enter the password: ironman
Thank You,
Jim Larsen
The Prairie School Cross-Country Coach