Running brought us keeps us together! **ALL RUNNERS WELCOME**
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Lets start off the New Year right by putting in a few miles!
We will meet at the Johnson Golf Course parking lot at 8 AM.
We hope to see you all there...If not join us for coffee at Panera!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
December 30th
7:00 AM
Coffee to be determined but I strongly suspect Panera.
It might be a bit sloppy. We picked Colonial because the 10 day forecast did not include rain. It does now.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Eve Eve (aka Saturday December 23)
Where: Meet at Jud’s Office 510 College Ave (park here) and we’ll do the Church Run (Route Here)
Who: Everyone who can make it.
Why: We are scheduled for rain Thursday so I don’t think the trails will have good footing…and because there is coffee afterward!
Merry Holiday and Happy Christmas to all.*
*This statement however, does not constitute a warranty, whether expressed or implied of the aforesaid condition. The opinion expressed herein is intended solely for the recipient and said recipient’s personal use and the statement is in no intended in way to be limited or reduced by the race, age, religion, sexual preference, marital status or criminal record of the recipient.

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Park Here
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
December 9, 2006
With all the snow I think the best place to run will be the cemetery run.
7:00 AM.
Park in the old Piggly Wiggly lot on West Blvd. and Washington Ave. (Map Here)
Route – 5.85 miles
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Jingle Bell Run – Saturday Dec. 9th
Andy is looking for one person to volunteer to do some setup and take-down before and after the event. They need to show up around 6:00 to help. He’s also in need of three people (non-participants) to call out times as runners pass certain markers.
People should respond to Andy ASAP if they are interested.
Here is the Map

Friday, December 01, 2006
December 2nd - Alternative
Given that the weather is so lousy and chances of the streets being in running condition tomorrow morning are slim, Carol and I have decided on an alternative plan that will give us just as much exercise.
We are going to meet at 7:00 a.m in the parking lot of Johnson golf course (the club house - MAP HERE) and take a hike around the park for about 1 hour.
This is generally a lot of work and a lot of fun.
We just wanted to offer an alternative given that it does not seem runner friendly for tomorrow.
Let me know if either of you can make it.
Monday, November 27, 2006
December 2nd
7:00 AM
Colonial Route - 5.67 miles
I didn’t receive any reports on the Turkey Trot. Did anyone get to those bloody Marys I kept hearing about?
Here are the Turkey Trot Resluts:
Melissa - :50:28
Kristen - :50:46
Dan - :52:51
Andy - :54:16
Mike D. - :54:22
Carol - :59:09
Steph – 1:00:44
Bill – 1:00:47
David – 1:07:01
Monday, November 20, 2006
Saturday and Thursday
7:00 AM
Zoo Route – 6.13 miles
Thursday is the Turkey Trot in far we know that there are 6-7 of us signed can even register day of the run. 10k starts at 9:30am.

Monday, November 13, 2006
11-18-06 7:00AM
...For you and others that are not familiar with this route...we start at Panera, take the sidewalk west on Washington, North on Sunnyslope for 2 blocks, west on Mariner to the paved trails (around a 2 mile loop), then back.
Also can you send the following link to Andy's Jingle Bell Run Team? The deadline to sign up for the team is this week!!!
Here is the route to the trails (Panera #2)
I have been told that the paved trail is about a 2 mile loop. The satellite photos do not show the trails yet so I am unable to map them at this time. Total route would be about 4.9 miles.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Jingle Bell Run
Click the logo for the Team Page or to simply donate to the Arthritis Foundation.

Additionally I thought I’d add a picture of the route the race takes…as you can see we run this route regularly!!
Andy asked that I point out that the DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 16th, so please sign up if you are interested.
He also wants everyone to know that we can also submit a logo for our shirts (must be Adobe Illustrator .eps file) up to 12” wide x 3” high. If not, it will just be printed with our team name.
Thanks Andy for doing all the leg work on this. If you have any questions e-mail Andy and he will try to answer them for you.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saturday's Run
We haven’t run the bike trail south for many weeks so we will run from Durand Ave. and West Blvd. (park here?) starting at 7:00 AM.
Bike Trail South Route – 6.19
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday November 4th
Time: 7:00 AM
Route: Colonial - 5.67 miles
Congratulations to Rich, Kristin Jody and Bill for completing the Marine Corps Marathon and to Steph in completing the 10k.
Was the weather as bad as the prediction? Nothing like running in high winds.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
“Pain is Temporary. Quitting is Forever.”
Two weeks before the big day, I injured one of my ankles while running. I’m not even sure how it happened, but it was a set-back that I didn’t anticipate. Why now? I had been running all year and didn’t encounter any major problems. Suddenly, with the marathon right around the corner, I get an injury like this? For the most part, I played it safe and kept the running to an absolute minimum. My thinking was that if I gave myself enough time to rest and recover, everything would be fine during the race. By the time the 22nd arrived, my ankle was feeling much better. The marathon was finally here and there was nothing more that I could do besides relax and finish the race.
When I woke-up on the day of the marathon, I was relieved to find out that it wasn’t raining. For the past few days, the weather forecasts had been predicting rain and snow showers with temperatures ranging from the high 30s to low 40s. It was definitely cold and windy that morning, but it was dry. I didn’t even want to think about how miserable it would have been to be cold AND wet as I tried to run 26.2 miles in gusty winds. Things were starting to look-up and my excitement was building.
The race began at 8:00 am, yet I was so far back that it took me 22 minutes to even cross the start line. As everyone began surging forward, my adrenaline really kicked-in. I kept telling myself that I needed to go out slow, but if it wouldn’t have been for all of the other runners in front of me I probably would have taken-off in a full blown sprint. Despite the slow start, I began to make-up time as we snaked through downtown, up through Lincoln Park and Wrigleyville, and back into the Loop. The race was going by much faster than I anticipated. At this point, I began doing some quick calculations in my head. If I continued at the same pace for the rest of the race, I was on track to finish in less than 5 hours. Although I told everyone that my only goal was to just finish the race, I really wanted to prove to myself that I could do it in less than 5 hours. At this point, everything was going as it should and I was a very happy runner.
Around mile 13, I started to have some pain in my ankle but pushed on as I was making good time and didn’t want to slow down. At mile 15, I decided to walk for a few minutes while I ate an energy bar and munched on some Jelly Belly energy beans (I scoped-up several handfuls of these at the Health Expo the day before since they were free!). When I started to run again, the pain in my ankle was so bad that I quickly went back to walking. I continued a jogging/waking routine until I hit mile 16. By this time, the pain was so bad that I couldn’t even jog anymore. I looked around at the crowd and saw someone holding a sign that read, “Pain is temporary. Quitting is forever.” How true. The marathon was already half-over and there was no way I was throwing in the towel at this point, even if it meant I would have to crawl across the finish line.
I continued along at this pace until mile 20. As I limped along, a woman named Sarah came up to me and asked if I was in a lot of pain. Apparently, it was that obvious. Sarah told me that her knee was giving her some problems and she could no longer run. Like me, it was her first race and she was a little disappointed on how things were unfolding but was going to tough it out. Then she did something truly amazing. Instead of continuing at a faster pace, she said that she would walk with me the last 6 miles to ensure that I completed the marathon! I barely even knew this person, but was touched by her support and encouragement. With a renewed sense of resolve, I was determined now more than ever to finish the race.
By the time I turned onto Michigan Avenue to begin the final leg of the race, I only had one thing on my mind: the Hilton Hotel. I knew the hotel was directly across from Grant Park. If I could just see the hotel in the distance it would hopefully give me a much needed push to get to the finish line. Yet, as I looked towards downtown I couldn’t see the hotel! My God, how far away were we! Was this someone’s idea of a cruel joke?
As it turned out, the finish line was not far away at all. That was good as I was in really bad shape by the time I finally got to Grant Park. My ankle was killing me. It was cold and windy. I was exhausted. Sarah was gone as I encouraged her to go ahead and run across the finish line. Did I mention I was exhausted? No one was by me as I turned the corner and began hobbling straight for the finish line. Suddenly all of the spectators were calling-out my name and bib number and were cheering me on all the way to the end. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and began running (even though the pain was nearly unbearable at this point). I crossed the line, got my medal, had my chip taken-off of my shoe, and then grabbed a beer and downed it immediately. It was free and by that point I needed a drink badly! Even though I walked the last 10 miles, I still completed the race in 5:42. It wasn’t a complete catastrophe after all!
The marathon is an experience I’ll never forget. Despite all of the hard work and set backs, I still had a blast and that’s really all that matters. With the race behind me, everyone wants to know if I’ll do another one. It’s a hard question for me to answer at the moment. I need some time to recover and reflect on how things went before I commit to another marathon. However, I do want to say that there is no way I would have been able to complete the marathon without the support and encouragement of the entire running group. I only wish it would have been possible to share my joy and agony with everyone! Thanks everyone!
Jeff Hecker
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday the 28th
Meet at Lakeshore Towers. (Meet Here)
We will have a smaller group and wish everyone running the marine Corp marathon success.
Jeff Hecker completed his first marathon at Chicago last Sunday. He was not the guy up front tripping at the finish line. Congratulations Jeff. Hope you will run many more.
Zoo loop – 5.47 miles
Monday, October 23, 2006
I have a Road ID and think it’s terrific! Steph and I feel much safer with it!
I’ve added Road ID to our favorites list (on the left hand side of the page)
Mayor’s Turkey Day Run
You can choose either a 2 mile run/walk or a 10k run.
There is a $12 entry fee if you sign up before November 18th otherwise it is $15.
Amy and Dan have been raving about this one at coffee for that last few weeks and we would like to see how big of a group we can get down there for this run.
If you are interested click on the race logo below, printout an entry form and send it in.
Hope to see you all there!!

****Andy said I forgot something: "after the run, a large group of runners goes to Sunnyside for Bloody Mary’s!"***
Another marathoner?
Great Job Jeff!!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Meet in my parking lot. (Park Here)
Some are leaving at 6:30 to get their long run (8.5 mile—ahh yes, the taper) and be around for coffee.
Other start at 7:00 AM.
Church Run Route - 5.1 miles
Do you want me to let Java and Vino know that we will be there for coffee? Last time they said they would be ready sooner if we let them know.
Coffee will be at JavaVino!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A New Racine Race
April 28, 2007 will be the inaugural running of the Running Festival. You will have your choice of a 30k, 13.1 mile, 5k, or 1 mile kids run.
For further information click the logo below

Thank you Andy for providing the link to the site!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I guess the suggestion was to run here because of the leave changes.
Start: 7:00 AM
I willl be in Madison to see the badgers. Enjoy the run.
Meet Here
Cemetery route - 5.85
Monday, October 02, 2006
7 AM Saturday
A second run, Saturday Morning Runners East will meet at 6:30 at the seminary on the Confederate battle line at Gettysburg. The run will replicate Hood’s July 2 attack on Little Round Top, follow the Union battle line and replicate Pickett’s Retreat. We are, after all, from Wisconsin.
Panera Route – 5.87 miles
Panera Mid-distance Route - 6.84 miles
Panera Long Route – 7.73 milesWednesday, September 27, 2006
Start: 7:00 AM
Coffee: ??
5k Route
10k Route
Alternative Route - All Road!! 6.65 miles
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Saturday September 23rd
Start 7:00 AM
Colonial Route - 5.7 miles
Colonial loop - 8.3 miles
Colonial to Jud’s house - 11 miles
I know that a few people were going to run really early and I didn’t know if you had thought of a route yet so I created the following route for reference.
Long run - 14.4 miles
If anyone has an idea for a route please send me an e-mail and I’ll post it!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
September 16th
Usual start, 7:00 AM (Start Here)
Water? I can have water o my porch as usual. I don’t know where the marathon build group is going, but please remember water. You are getting our mileage up now.
Lighthouse Route – 10.2 miles
Alternative Long Route – 10.26 miles
Jud’s House Loop – 5.47 miles
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Saturday September 9th
Start: 7:00 AM
I’m in the Teton this weekend so I will miss this run but see you all the following week.
North Bike Trail - 7.21 miles (South to Layard; North to 5 mile; South to 3 mile)
Around the point – 6.37 miles (East on 3 mile around the point to 4 mile West; Bike trail South to 3 mile)
The bike trail appears to be open to 6 mile (the no trespassing sign was removed this weekend) but it is larger gravel than the rest of the trail so proceed with caution if you go further than 5 mile road.
Monday, August 28, 2006
September 2, 2006
Next Saturday’s Run will be UW Parkside XC Course. (Map here)
Start time: 7:00 AM
The course is particularly good for the marathon build up group because you need only set water out at the around the start line and fill up as you come by on the various loops of the course. This looks like a good week for some running. The prediction is cooler and dryer air.
Here is the 5k route and the 10k route.
I will be running from home to Parkside. Here is my route.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Saturday the 26th
Start at Lakeshore Towers (Map Here).
Here are a few routes:
Zoo Trail – Jud’s house loop 5.5 miles
Tower’s South Route 4.9 miles
Tower’s Loop (via Jud’s house and the Zoo) 10.25 miles
This Saturday we hope to break in the new bike trial to the zoo. This adds to our collection of inaugurations of new sections as the bike trails as the first organized run. We started this a couple of years ago with some winter runs through Island Park.
For the marathon build up group (or any one going by), I will leave water and Gatorade on my side porch. If I forget, knock on the door and ask for some water. The last time I offered this, I forgot the water. I will let Mary know as so she won’t be surprised if I forget and you knock.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
19th of August
Meet at the K-Mart parking lot. (MAP HERE)
Usual start time: 7:00 AM although the marathon build up group will doubtlessly start earlier. I have no idea where that group may run so I don’t know where water should be set out. The temp call for a high of 74 w/ scattered t-storms. Even though it will be mild, water is an issue.
M.I.A. these past weeks: Bob O. Jeanne and Terry H.
Standard Culver’s Route
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Saturday August 12th
Last week we decided upon the Cemetery Run because so much of that run is covered by shared. It looks like it will be milder than we thought, but we wil run this location anyway. The marathon build up group can run the bike trial south and we can loop back to the parking lot for water.
Regular start: 7:00 AM
Start Here (MAP)
Cemetery route 5.85 miles
For directions check the blog.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
7 AM Saturday
Coffee location to be determined.
Since the place is the same (and Runstopable satellite maps are working again) I came up with a few different routes…all but the last one stop by Jud’s house.
Colonial alt route north 5.7 miles
Colonial Loop 8.3 miles
Long Colonial 11 miles
Colonial Route 5.7 miles
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Saturday July 29th
Perfect - if you put water where it usually gets placed that would be great - it is my intention to start at 6:00 - run some miles and then meet back at colonial for another 6 miles if anyone is interested. I am hoping to get 12 miles in this day.
I'll put several water bottles at the top of the hill (I'm not sure where the regularly are placed) before I go to Colonial (at approx 6:45 am) so you might not have them available for your first pass since you are leaving at 6.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
July 22, 2006
7:00 AM meet at the parking lot of the old Piggly Wiggly on West Blvd. just north of Washington Ave (MAP HERE.)
This should be a shady run and the parking lot can be the water stops. Those preparing for the Chicago or the MCM can extend the run along the bike path.
I will be in N.C. but I will see you all the following week. I hope we keep the mild weather for the running. This weekend was difficult to say the least.
If someone lets me know what you select for the week after next, I will get the notice out next Tue.
I will try to get a few routes up when I can properly access
Monday, July 10, 2006
July 15th
Time: 7:00 AM
Lighthouse route (North): Click Here
Alternate route (South): Click Here
Kristin will run early for anyone who wants to run with her. Let her know at
Congrats to Jodi and Jarrod on their new son. I think we can let Jodi take next Saturday off.
We should have a little cooler week which is good for those preparing for the CMCM and Chicago marathon.
Can’t wait for the pictures!!!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Saturday July 8
(map here - meeting point/parking lot)
7:00 AM.
Sad to say, but I think the MCM and Chicago Marathon build up starts this weekend. In fact we are two weeks late to start the Hal Hingdon program. The joy of training in the heat to race in the cold. Actually, I wish I were joining all of you.
Have a safe and happy 4th.
I forgot to mention. Carol says to bring a lawn chair. She has a 30 cup coffee maker and we will just have coffee in the pavilion.
My apology to all. I will NOT be @ the Armstrong Park 7 a.m. run and therefore will not be able to provide coffee. Perhaps someone else has a lg. capacity coffee maker or someone else could pick up mine to us for the a.m. OR maybe it will be an alternative coffee site.
FYI-I will not be sleeping in on Sat. Rather, the Bellweather Communications-Paddle Pullers group will be competing for Dragon Boat bragging rights @ 8:30 a.m. Let's go RALPH, KRISTIN, RICH and ME!!!!!!!! And thanks Mike for your generousity.
See you all next Sat.
Monday, July 03, 2006
This weekend...
9 minute miles!!
Way to go Jeff!!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
July 1st
UW Parkside Course (Parking here)
Time: 7:00 AM
Parkside 10k course
Parkside 5k course
Last Saturday run before the Chicago and Marine Corps Marathon start their build up.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Saturday - June 24th
7:00 AM
Running Route
It’s time we start setting out water for the longer runs. Some of you are planning the Marine Corp or the Chicago marathon and the build up will start in a couple of weeks. I will need to know who needs water bottles. This work well when we all take a turn getting the water located.
We had a great showing in the Lighthouse Run. Great to have so many on such a hot day.
Our 10 Mile finishers were:
- Bob O’Brian 1:23:09.7 (placed 6th in his age group)
- Norris Richardson 1:34:21.4 (placed 4th in his age group)
- Mike Dedrich 1:36:28.5
- John Becker 1:39:33.7
- Jeff Hecker 1:40:25.8
- Andy Hay 1:50:26.8
- Dan Barry 1:50:27.7
- David Paulson 1:54:13.6
- Bill Folk 1:57:52.4
- Melissa Northrup 1:24:07.8 (placed 3rd in her age group)
- Sandy Kontra 1:47:36.8 (placed 1st in her age group!!!)
- Sue Barry 1:44:46.1
4 Mile Finishers:
- Ralph Kelsy 44:54.7
- Vova Mocan
- Meg Richardson 36:51.0
- Stephanie Folk 43:20.0
Stand around and watch division:
Tom White
Jud Wyant
A Few Lighthouse Run Photos

Norris...that's Meg cheering him on!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The run starts at the YMCA at 8 a.m. for the 10 mile and 8:10 a.m. for the 4 mile. Both runs finish at Monument Square.
Hope to see you all there!!
Next week…TBD
Monday, June 05, 2006
Saturday’s Run - June 10th
Coffee: I assume Panera.
The Relay for Life really marks the formation of the running group. Tom A. and I were running for downtown Rotary. Ralph was running for Johnson Bank at the same time. Conversation lead to regularly scheduled Sat. A.M. runs and the rest, as they say, is history.
Melissa adds:
Here is some information regarding contributions for the Cancer Relay. SCJ is holding a raffle as a way of collecting donations. The proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. The tickets costs are:
- 1 ticket -- $5.00
- 3 tickets -- $10.00
- 8 tickets -- $20.00
The top prizes are...
- Computer with Monitor & Printer
- $500
- $250
- Gift Certificates from Dick's Sporting Goods, The Charcoal Grill, & other local establishments
- Other Assorted prizes
All of these prizes have been donated so the entire ticket cost will go to the American Cancer Society. Mari & I have tickets you may purchase from us on Saturday morning or contact us via e-mail, otherwise, you may purchase raffle tickets at the SCJ tent the morning of the relay. The raffle will be held on Saturday morning and you do not need to be present to win a prize. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Mari or myself. Thanks and see you Saturday morning!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
June 3rd
We will run from Kristin's house and have coffee after the run. 3163 Linden Lane. First road west of Neumann Rd, then north then right (east) to Linden. Just a clarification on directions - if you take hwy 38 to Newman rd - go north on Newman for 1 block to Richmond drive. Go right on Richmond for 2 blocks to Linden lane and go left - 2nd house on right. CLICK HERE FOR A MAP
Running Route #1 (5.9)
Running Route #2 (4.3 including Armstrong)
Running Route #2 (6.2 including Armstrong)
Andy Hay (5:25:55) and Liz Logan-Hay (4:15:38) ran the Green Bay Marathon the week before last. Andy had planned on only the half, so I am told, having only run a 10 mile preparation run.
John Becker (2:24:45), Norris Richardson (2:30:24) and daughter Meg (2:30:24) ran a very hot and humid Mad City Half Marathon on Sunday.
Congratulations to all our finishers.
M.I.A. over these last several week; Tom A. and Ria B.
Mad City Marathon (and Half Marathon)
John Becker with a 2:23:41
Norris Richardson with a 2:29:21
Meg Richardson with a 2:29:22
Fantastic Job!! We can’t wait to hear all about the race…so submit a race report soon!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Green Bay Marathon
Monday, May 22, 2006
MAY 27, 2006
Next Saturday’s run will start from Culver’s on 21st St. just east of Green Bay Road. (LOCATION HERE) The run for the following week (June 3) will be the Panera’s run. I was reminded that Kristin had asked for us to run from Panera’s on June 3.
Time: 7:00 AM
Here is the CULVER’S ROUTE.
Someone please call me and let me know where you select for coffee: 639-2103. I like sleeping in, but be assured I much, much prefer to run.
Next Sunday is the Madison Half Marathon and Marathon (LINK). I think John Becker is planning to run the Half. It is a fun run, if a little hilly that I always enjoy. Most of the run is shaded and the part that isn’t is through the campus. You might want to email John at if you plan on going so you can share a ride.
I just received an email from the Chicago Marathon. More than 30,000 have registered, so if you are considering that marathon you better get serious about that decision. Chicago Marathon Link
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Register right away as this event reaches max capacity quickly. Last year, entrant spots were full in just 62 hours, 19 minutes.
For questions regarding your registration form, call 1-877-228-4881.
For general Event information, please contact The Marine Corps Marathon office at
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 20th
Start at 7:00 AM
With all this rain, you may get your feet wet. When the river is high, the trail just past the bridge is sometimes under water. If you, just turn around and run north to high ground.
It was a hearty bunch last Saturday, but the rain stayed up for the run—mostly.
Keep ChesterLynn in your thought and prayers. We want her back with us as soon.
Have a good week and get out for a run in spite of the rain.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
May 13th
Meet at Lakeshore condo towers.
7:00 AM.
Just returned from the doctor’s. I’m done running for 6 weeks with a tear of a tendon in my knee. I still intend to join you for coffee.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Saturday May 6th
Time: 7:00 AM
Meet: Parking lot on bike trail just west of Douglas Ave. on Three Mile Road. Bill tells me that if we fill the parking lot on the north side of Three Mile Road, we can also park on the south side.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Crazylegs – Madison, WI
Good Job John!
See you next week.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Crazylegs Run
John Becker
Here is the website:
April 29, 2006
We will run the Parkside Course starting at 7:00 AM
Meet in the parking lot across from the CC Course. (South on Highway 31, east on C.T.H. JR until you first see the Parkside buildings. The parking lot is on the north side of the road and the UWP CC Course sign is on the south. (SEE LOCATION HERE)
Saturday is the Crazylegs Run in Madison. John Becker plans on going so if interested let him know. I think it’s about 5 miles or so. His address is:
He will go up Friday night if that is the preference.
Remember that the discount fee for the Lighthouse Run ends April 30. The website to get the application is:
Bill Folk notched up another marathon in his 50 state marathon quests, completing the Wenatchee Washington Marathon. It looked like a cozy field of fewer than 200.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wenatchee, WA

Bill and Steph are back and here is the recap:
Steph and I flew into Seattle on Friday to an overcast rainy surprise for Seattle I guess. We spent the night there and discussed our run with a few of the locals who informed us that Wenatchee happens to be the Apple Capital of the World.
Saturday morning we walked to coffee and admired the Seattle sights before driving through the mountain passes heading for Wenatchee. As we approached the city we saw orchards and orchards of apple trees coming into blossom. The town of Wenatchee is located on the Columbia River and has a population of 60,000 it is very quaint. We stopped by the local sporting goods store to pick up our race packets...Steph's number was 423, which was the date of the race. She's very numbers-oriented and the combination of this 'sign' and the fact that 23 is her lucky number made her even more excited that this was her first race! With the help of the hotel clerk we found a nice Italian restaurant in East Wenatchee where we enjoyed a nice early meal and then got a good night sleep.
Sunday morning was sunny and 44 degrees. We walked from the hotel to the starting line for the 8am start. We then found out that the race wouldn't start until 8:15 (after the kids' run), a little more than 30 min away. We waited patiently making sure that we were in the sun just to stay warm. At 8:15 the group was off.
Steph and I enjoyed a fantastic 6.2 mile run. Steph completed the 10k course in 1:08:19. I think she's got the running bug now. She was elated at finishing the run and I was proud as can be.
My run turned ugly after mile 10. On the East side of the Columbia River the trail we were running on was a bit hillier and the stiff 20 mph headwind really caused me to lose focus and not run as much as I should have for this 5 mile stretch. To make matters worse I would have to do this section twice (loop course)!
With a mile and a half left I met the sweep crew, a one man biking machine who I later found out had done Boston just the week prior. My only concern was finishing with an official time, he assured me that I would definitely make the 6 hour cut off and he would call ahead just to be sure that the finish line did not pack up.
I arrived at the finish line at 5:53:41. Definitely not my best showing but it is official so I have my 5th state in the bag.
Steph and I both had a wonderful time, the views were spectacular with mountains in the background at every turn, and the people were very nice. We would both recommend this race to any one who wants to go to Washington but I would remind you to practice running 5-10% graded hills and into the wind!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Great job Melissa…you really turned out a great performance.
Saturday April 22nd
Good group last Saturday. 25 were looking for a warm spring run and were not disappointed. Sunny and just the right temperature for running. With the warmer weather we have to start paying attention to water stops. If anyone need water bottles let me know and I will have some with me next Saturday.
Next Saturday, April 22nd: 7:00 AM.
Meet at the Piggly Wiggly parking lot at West Blvd. and Washington Ave (MAP). We will run the bike trail south. I will have Norris put water out at KR and the bike trail which will be about 3 ½ miles out.
Since I don't know how far everyone is going this map takes the bike trail south to 12th Street. The mileage is one way!
Monday, April 10, 2006
April 15, 2006
Start 7:00 AM.
Take West High Street west off Northwestern Ave. Meet in the parking lot at the bottom on the hill. West High Street is the street south of Sacred Heart School (across from the Unified office). There is a BP service station on the corner.
Colonial Park Route
Well, I guess I really didn’t need to go all the way to Sanabil Island for warm weather. I saw the game time temp. for the Brewers game on Sunday was 60. also shows it will be warm all week. Tom and I had a couple of nice runs but had to start early because of the heat. Precursor to summer, I had to walk some.
I hope all of you who ran the South Shore finished and were pleased with your time. That half marathon usually brings on dreadful weather. This yr. I’m in Fla. and the weather looks like it was pretty nice. To guarantee good weather for next year, I’m taking up a collection to send me back down here next year. For far, I haven’t even been able to get Mary to donate.
Is next Sat the Sat. Bill and Steph are in Washington? I can’ remember. If so, best of luck to both on your run.
Tan, rested and ready to run.
Jodie 2:26:26
Mike D. 2:06:30
Kristen 1:59:49
Amy 1:41:47
A special Congratulations to Amy who not only ran a great time but placed first in her division!!!
Great job everyone…we all hope you had a good race!
Monday, April 03, 2006
April 8th
Vova, this is an easy run for you to get to the starting point. If you want, you can just wait for them to go by on Emmertsen and pick them up then.
Starting point: For MAP CLICK HERE
Panera Route
Long Panera Route
Saturday is also the South Shore Half Marathon (LINK). Kristin is definitely running and wants to know if anyone wants to go with her. Let her know if you would like to travel up with her.
We all thank Bill for the blog page. Now, when my address books goes on aits customary short vacation, you can stay in the loop. That address is:
See you all in a couple of weeks. I'm on my way to visit Tom to be sure heis putting in his miles.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
April 1st Run
Run is the Culver’s run. Meet in the parking lot across from the Timer Warner at 21st St. just east of Highway 31.
Time 7:00 AM
See link here CLICK ME for a map of where we are starting.
Additional notes from Judd:
Some of you asked for a resend of Peter’s travel blog. It is
I received an email from him yesterday and he was in Laos. I am a little surprised. It wasn’t on his itinerary and it’s not like him to depart from travel plans. He gets easily lost even when he knows where he is going.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
May 16, 2010 - Cellcom Green Bay Marathon
Coleen E. - 3:34:26
Carrie R. - 3:57:45
May 1, 2010 - Wisconsin Half Marathon
Jodie - 1:46:32
Melissa - 1:53:07
Tony - 1:53:24
Sara - 1:56:04
Kim - 1:57:12
Mari - 1:59:33
Rick - 2:19:17
Dave - 2:29:32
May 1, 2010 - Wisconsin Marathon
Rachel - 4:50:23
Apr 3, 2010 - Mount Pleasant Half Marathon
Colleen E. - 1:30:46 (1st female overall, 6th overall)
Mary J. - 1:34:35 (2nd female overall)
Tony L. - 1:45:36 (2nd in age group)
Carrie R. - 1:46:43
Melissa N. - 1:47:22
Nick R. - 1:50:13
Rachel D. - 1:51:11 (2nd in age group)
Douglas N. - 1:51:41 (1st in age group)
Greg G. - 1:52:00
Ray D. - 1:52:52
Kristin F. - 1:55:36 (4th in age group)
Jim L. - 1:58:09
Mike D. - 2:02:39
Richard N. - 2:10:22
Richard H. - 2:17:11
David P. - 2:26:10
Apr 3, 2010 - Mount Pleasant 5k
Jane P. - 37:02 (1st in age group)
Jan 17, 2010 - P.F. Chang's Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon
Dave P. - 2:27:29
Jan 10, 2010 - Disney Marathon (FL)
Jim L. - 4:25:43
Jan 9, 2010 - Disney Half Marathon (FL)
Jim L. - 3:18:55
Jodi L. - 3:18:56
Jan 9, 2010 - "S-NO-W Fun" Run (5 mile run)
Joe S. - 30:01.6 (3rd in Age Group)
Sara W. - 40:16.8 (3rd in Age Group)
Sporting Goods
Local Races
- Lighthouse Run
- Kenosha’s Turkey Trot
- Jingle Bell Run
- Danskin Triathlon
- Ironman 70.3 Racine (formerly known as Spirit of Racine Triathlon)
Other Running Groups
- Badgerland Striders
- Joe's Kick Ass Running Club (formerly known as Monument Square Running Group)
- Kenosha Running Club
- Racine Area Running Club
- Waukesha Hash House Harriers