Saturday, November 28, 2009

7 am - Nov 28

Next week's run/ walk:

Colonial. (Park Here)

Soon we will have snow and this will closed to us.

Results of last weeks races:

Route 66 Marathon (Tulsa, OK)

Melissa - 3:56:37

Kristin - 4:13:05 - A New PR!!

Jodie - 4:17:22

Bill - 5:32:35

Gobbler Grind Marathon (Overland Park, KS)

Rachel - 4:17:48 - A New PR!!!

Well done, all.

Results of the deer hunt are not in.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Jud Wyant

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21st

Many of you are on your way to Tulsa. Other may be deer hunting. Good luck and safe travel to both groups.

For the rest of us, the untraveled, the Wrath of the Aged Run. Meet at Goold and Michigan. (MAP HERE) 7AM.

Coffe to be determined.


Saturday, November 14, 2009


Saturday's run/ walk: A return to my favorite: The Colonial Run.

Meet: 7 AM. Parking lot at the end of High Street west of Northwestern Avenue. (Park Here)

Weather is expected to be mild with a few showers. Good running weather.

I hope you all saw Andy's post about the Jingle Bell Run. (click here)


Saturday, November 07, 2009

Saturday 11-7-09

Allow me to introduce myself. I am that old guy NOT named Tom that used to join you on Saturday's.

I am informed that we will cover the reverse Culver's this weekend. we will meet at West Blvd. and Durand. (Park Here) You may wish to do the bike trail south if footing permits. 7:00AM as usual.

Hot Badger tickets. The team won all three games of my tickets.
