Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Saturday, August 2nd Run/Walk

Well it looks like we are going to try to spend sometime in the shade.

Where and when? Colonial Park at 7:00 am (earlier for those wanting more miles)

Coffee TBD

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Saturday, July 26th

When: Saturday, July 26th at 7:00am
Where: Kristin's House (3163 Linden Lane)
Route: Here
Coffee: same place!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

This week's run

Okay this weekend is the Tri so the group at coffee thought that we should honor them by running down by the course...

When: Saturday, July 19, 7:00 am
Where: Park View (aka Wrath of the aged)- park here
Who: Any one willing to put up with us
Why: I ask myself that every day!
Coffee: YES!!


Don't forget that Jim will be running the aid station again this year -- if you are willing and able to assist please reach out to him ASAP!!! Please see last weeks email (post) to see the details

On that note -- GOOD LUCK to those running the race!

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Saturday's Run

We could not decide where to run this week so we settled on an old standard: Panera Run

Routes here: Panera & Panera 2

Time: 7:00 am

Coffee: Same


From Jim:

Hey everyone,

I had a few people ask if I was running the Aid station for Ironman 70.3 Racine again this year. Yes I am and I know some of you helped out last year and if you could help out for again this year your help is MUCH APPRECIATED!!! 
I know most of you have done some racing and it's different to be on the other side once in a while. Plus you can cheer on some friends like Colleen & Greg. (Not sure if anyone else is doing it?)

If you could fill out the waiver and get it back to me as well as a T-shirt size so I make sure I get everyone the right size. There is an attachment about the Appreciation dinner as well.

If you know any kids that need service hours I would be more than happy to fill out their form. Also because I know it's a long day and if you can only work part of the day if you could let me know so we can plan accordingly.

You can give me the form in person or email it back as well as T-shirt size to or send me a message on Facebook.

Jim Larsen
The Prairie School Cross-Country Coach

Sunday, July 20
Run Aid Station #2  
***PLEASE NOTE:  Parts of the 2014 run course may be changing. Ryan Richards is meeting with all local and county police and authorities on 6/19 to discuss changes to last year's course. I will have information following the 6/19 meeting on whether this will affect your aid station location. But, for now, it is in the same location as last year. 

8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Volunteers needed: Minimum of 30

1) A few things--I have attached a copy of the volunteer waiver that I will need all volunteers to sign.  If you can please all waivers to me by Thursday, July 17, that would be wonderful.

2) Volunteer t-shirts this year, I'm told, are blaze orange.  I should have the t-shirts to me right after the July 4 holiday. As soon as I get t-shirt sizes from you, I will box up all of your group's shirts.

3) I have attached a copy of the invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.

It is scheduled for:
Monday, July 21
Festival Hall 
6 p.m. 

All volunteers and their immediate families are invited. 

OK--I think that is everything for now!

If you could, please confirm with me that your group is all set for the volunteer positions above.  Your next step is to get those waivers signed and start gathering t-shirt sizes.

Thanks for all that you do to make this event a success!

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

July 4th weekend run

Hope you all have a very wonderful INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

This week (July 5th) we will be running the CNH Run - 7:00 am - Park here - Route here

Coffee will be at Panera.