Thursday, November 29, 2012

Saturday and Jingle Bell Run

This Saturday is the annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis (this year in a new location through Renaissance Park!!) so we should see most of you there. Still looking to sign up - CLICK HERE
If you are not planning on to doing this race then we will be meeting at 7:00am for the Panera Run.  Routes: Panera RunPanera 2

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and this Saturday's Run

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope that we see you at the Kenosha Turkey Day Run tomorrow at 9am.  Remember there is no registration tomorrow but there is in person registration today from 3pm-8pm at the Kenosha Museum.
Saturday's run will be:
West Lawn - 90th St. (park here7:00am.
Coffee will be Panera.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, November 17th

I know that this is a little early but with Steph and I out of town I needed to get it out now...Next week's run:
North Side Bike Trail (park here)
Coffee: Mocha Lisa
You should have all seen Andy'd note but in case you haven't:
"I hope you'll all sign up anyway, and if we can get enough people by Monday, I'll beg and plead and beg some more to see if they can squeeze us in to get our website on the shirts. Here's the link:

Also watch for the email from the Arthritis Foundation website.

I won't see you all until the Turkey Trot Liz has class again this Saturday, and she's out of town next weekend so I'll be watching the girls.


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Saturday's Run

Looks like we are in for a balmy weekend!!
Decision made at coffee was Southside Bike Trail! (park here)
Coffee at Panera.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Saturday's run

Winter is coming so lets hit Colonial Park (park here) one last time before we can't get on the trail!!
Coffee -- Panera
I know that we had some great performances at last week's Skeleton Skamper -- please share your results here: Report your results