Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday's Run

Good morning everyone!

Last week's email contained this weeks scheduled run -- Panera! (Park Here) Usual time -- 7:00 a.m. but I know that a few of us are starting as early as 5:00 a.m.

**Have fun at the game Jud!!**

I would like to direct you to drop by the website ( and check things out...we now have a photo section, as well as a results section! I've been working on adding a "Training" section with links to different training programs (different lengths as well as experience levels) so look for that in the future.

Additionally Bob O'Brien sent me the following email that I thought was worth everyone's attention:

"Here's some new competition for the BLS South Shore Half.

This group has scheduled a half in Racine on April 10th 2010. The Racine Convention group tried this a couple of years ago with HFP Racing (the same group that promotes the Spirit of Racine Half Ironman) ultimately registering 50 or so participants and failed.

Here's the article in the RacinePost (along with my comments)"

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